Prefaced and coordinated by Mickael de Oliveira, this work is organized around three main axes (‘Forms of Presence’, ‘Re-writing and Dramaturgy’, and ‘Essay, document, and reading’) and offers ten essays that reflect on dramaturgy and literary writing, in conversation with the European and American theatrical and choreographic scenes. Featuring contributions by Joseph Danan, José Maria Vieira Mendes, Lucille Toth, Armando Nascimento Rosa, Juliette Loesch, Joana Ribeiro, Luar Maria Escobar, Marco Catalão, Marina Magalhães, Bernardo Bethonico, and Luiz Antunes, The presence of text in contemporary dance and theatre summons the works of Antoine Vitez, Antonin Artaud, Chokri Ben Chikha, Christine Angot, Dorothée Munyaneza, Eszter Salomon, Faustin Linyekula, Gordon Craig, Jérôme Bel, Klauss and Angel Vianna, Julien Gosselin, Heiner Muller, Henry Miller, Lisa Nelson, Maguy Marin, Maurice Béjart, Maria Gabriela Llansol, Martha Graham, Mathilde Monnier, Oscar Wilde, Romeo Castellucci, Sandra Iché, Tiago Rodrigues, Vera Mantero, Walid Raad, and de Xavier Le Roy.
The presence of text in contemporary dance and theatre takes part of the reflection process that started in the international conference of the same name, which took place in Lisbon, in May 2018, and which featured the participation of renowned researchers and artists including Pedro Alves, Nelson Guerreiro, António Figueiredo Marques, Elena Gordienko, María Luisa F. Falcón, Cláudia Galhós, Rui Catalão, Tiago Cadete, Raquel André, Samuel Viana Meyler, Ana Baião e Everton Melo, Rosa Figueiredo, Julia L Dobson, Gustavo Gonçalves, John Romão, Mariana Tengner Barros, Miguel Moreira, David Antunes, Nara Keiserman, Jorge Palinhos, Victor Nóvoa, Juarez Guimarães Dias. The essays included in this e-book were reviewed by the Scientific and Editorial Board, composed by Alexandra Moreira da Silva, Daniel Tércio, Fernando Matos de Oliveira, Maria Helena Werneck, Maria João Brilhante, Mickael de Oliveira, and Rui Pina Coelho.
The presence of text in contemporary dance and theatre
© 2020 Centro de Estudos de Teatro / FLUL
© Mickaël de Oliveira and other authors
1st Edition (2020)/ISBN 978-989-99838-6-1